2016-06-01 Cmd Send E-mail Cmd Send E-mailWith this Shell script, we can upload .mobi to Kindle ToysShell LinuxShellToyse-mail more >>
2016-06-01 Cmd Login Cmd Login NetworkPost account and password with curl or wget. ToysShell LinuxShellToys more >>
2016-06-01 Convert Imagemagick Command – Convert12345678910## get image infoidentify $filename# resize## ! can force-cast to the required size convert -resize 160x80! $infile $outfile # quality## compress with quality, generally 60 -80 convert -quality [0-100] $infile $outfile e.g, resize jpg in current file1234#!/bin/bashfor file in `ls *.jpg`; do convert $file -resize 256x160! -quality 30 $filedone LinuxShell NoteShell
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2016-05-31 AWK NOTE AWK SUMMARYReading Notes from classic book – The AWK Programming Language Programing LanguageAWK AWKPrograming LanguageShellTrick more >>
2016-04-30 STL ALLOCATOR CONSTRCUT CONSTRCUTIn <stl_construct.h> Programing LanguageC++STLSource CodeAllocator AllocatorC++Programing LanguageSTLSource CodeTrick more >>