three examples to explain the usage of const_cast
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| > File Name: mod_const.cpp > Author: zyy > Mail: ************************************************************************/
#include <stdio.h> #include <iostream> using namespace std;
#define NAME2STR(_VAR_) (#_VAR_) #define OUT(_VAR_) cout << NAME2STR(_VAR_) << ": " << _VAR_ << endl
int main (int argc, char** argv) { cout << "const_cast" << endl << endl; const volatile int a1 = 1; int &b1 = const_cast<int&>(a1); cout << "[const volatile int -> int&]" << endl; OUT(((&a1) == (&b1))); OUT(&a1); printf("But use printf, &a = %p\n", &a1); OUT(&b1); b1 = 2; OUT(a1); OUT(b1); cout << endl << endl; ; const int a2 = 1; int &b2 = const_cast<int&>(a2); cout << "[const int -> int&]" << endl; OUT(((&a2) == (&b2))); OUT(&a2); OUT(&b2); b2 = 2; OUT(a2); OUT(b2); cout << endl << endl; int a3 = 1; const int &b3 = a3; int &x = const_cast<int&>(b3); cout << "[int -> const int&]" << endl; OUT(&a3); OUT(&x); x = 20; OUT(a3); OUT(x); cout << endl << endl;
return 0; }
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| const_cast
[const volatile int -> int&] ((&a1) == (&b1)): 1 &a1: 1 But use printf, &a = 0x7ffeeccb8354 &b1: 0x7ffeeccb8354 a1: 2 b1: 2
[const int -> int&] ((&a2) == (&b2)): 1 &a2: 0x7ffeeccb8358 &b2: 0x7ffeeccb8358 a2: 1 b2: 2
[int -> const int&] &a3: 0x7ffeeccb835c &x: 0x7ffeeccb835c a3: 20 x: 20
Express grateful thanks to Hao ren